April 22nd is Earth Day, it’s a day where we celebrate our planet's diverse and beautiful environment. In honor of this day, many people will get together to plant trees, pick up litter, or learn about other ways they can protect our planet . Since it is spring cleaning season we're sharing a few tips that will help freshen up your home - while still caring for Mother Earth. Spring is a time of year to declutter our space and deep clean our home.
Ditch the paper towels. The daily use of paper towels has a pretty substantial environmental impact. Every day more than 51,000 trees are cut down for paper towel production. Get yourself a pack of microfiber towels for spills and cleaning, they are inexpensive and reusable. You could even cut up some old t-shirts or towels you already have and use those as well. Clear your home of paper clutter. We all have that one spot in our house where paper just seems to stack up all year long, and now is a good time to take it on as a spring cleaning task. Take inventory of your bills, newsletters, and other mail you receive and switch to paperless communication. This will not only limit the clutter of paper in your house, but it also helps save the planet of bulky and unnecessary paper waste. Donate unwanted clothes, towels, and linens. Spring is a great time to sort through our closets and get rid of any items that we no longer need. If you aren't repurposing them, don’t just throw them away! Often these textiles are taken to landfills, only adding to our pollution and waste levels. When you donate unwanted textiles they can be repurposed somewhere else, leaving a positive effect on the environment. Make your own cleaning products. Making your own cleaning products for your home is not only better for the environment, it can also save you money. You can make safe and easy to use cleaning solutions with products you probably already have in your home. Mix vinegar and water together for an all purpose cleaner, or baking soda and vinegar to scrub your tile. Add in a few drops of essential oils to your cleaning solutions to give your home that clean fresh smell you love. Repurpose your cleaning tools. When it’s time for a new toothbrush, keep the old one with your cleaning supplies for tile and grout cleaning or getting those hard to reach crevices. Have an old pair of socks? Don’t toss them - they are great for cleaning your blinds! The possibilities are endless, there are all kinds of creative ways to easily make your own cleaning gear.
January 2025